Parasailor University

Two Antares owners - the Sullivan's and Silverstein's - went to St. Petersburg, FL last week to attend a detailed class on our new spinnakers.  It was exceptional.  The Parasailor team, owners of s/v Dragonfly (Fountaine Pajot Belize 43') and the Hunter 49' we used for lodging were excellent.

Sarah unfortunately got a sinus infection the day prior.  She had significant nausa the night before and a splitting headache during our class.  Ugh for Sarah.  Needless to say, I was wrapped up in the class and probably not the best husband that day...sorry honey!

I would strongly recommend the class to anyone purchasing the sail.  We learned a lot, and frankly found out some items we are researching for our Antares boats to ensure we can easily rig our sails in the future. More on that later, after my trip to Argentina in the next couple of weeks.  All in all, VERY pleased with our decision on the Parasailor and excited to get it deployed on our boat!

I produced a video, that is intended to be a summary of our 4 hours on the water.  I generally prefer to keep all videos 3-5 mins in length.  However, due to the content of the class, I felt it was important to cover all key topics regarding the Parasailor.  So...the video is 15 mins....

Below are a couple of pics from our class.  More pics are located here.

Parasailor University Video


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