
Showing posts from February, 2011

Ode to the Drogue

Many times, when we tell people our crazy plans, I can just see their minds wander to a faraway island, crystal clear waters, dolphins swimming, sun shining, margarita in hand while Jimmy Buffet plays his sweet beach melodies. Perhaps sipping a Corona on a deserted beach, the hammock gently swinging as it clings to perfectly spaced palm trees. Oh, the cruising life... However, what keeps me up at night are visions of The Perfect Storm (a book-turned-movie that I have never seen, and probably never should). In my nightmares, Mark and I are up on deck in our 'foulies' doing our best to batten down the hatches, all the while being pummeled with gallons of sea water coming over the deck. Bilge pumps are groaning as they attempt to rid the hulls of excess water. Kids are strapped in their beds below deck. Then a huge wall of water rises above us... People who have cruised for years, swear that you can and should avoid bad weather by simply following the weather fore...

Our Spinnaker

A spinnaker is a type of sail that is used for sailing downwind on a reach or run (90-180 degrees off the bow).   There are two types of spinnakers - asymmetrical and symmetrical.  Not to confuse those with limited sailing experience, lets just keep is simple.  Most cruising boats use an asymmetrical spinnaker.  This is due to the more versatile points of sail (see graphic) it can be used.  If you were a racing boat, you would almost certainly have both.  In our case, we have both - but in one sail! Why do we even need a spinnaker?   Well, you don’t have to have one to sail a boat.  In fact, if we were not planning on doing a lot of down wind sailing, we probably would not even bother.  Given the potential for us to sail west, very far west in the trade winds, it is necessary to have a spinnaker to get better performance - especially in light winds. Sail Selection Knowing we wanted a spinnaker, we needed to figure out what type.  We...


This is a topic that has been top of mind for a lot of our friends and family.  In fact, this is the most commonly asked question we get when folks hear about our future travels.  The fact is, piracy is real.  Maritime piracy, according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) of 1982, consists of any criminal acts of violence, detention, rape, or depredation committed for private ends by the crew or the passengers of a private ship or aircraft that is directed on the high seas against another ship, aircraft, or against persons or property on board a ship or aircraft. The most common type of 'piracy' we could encounter would be theft.   Stealing a dingy, items left out on the boat, etc. could happen - and this is classified as 'piracy'.  In most cases, it is theft.  We lock our cars when we leave them parked in a city.  We lock our doors at night in our house.  All to protect ourselves and belonging from ...

Lists, Lists, and more lists...

So, first we started with the boat options list along with a detailed list of the gear and gadgets we wanted to add. Quickly, one list led to another, and I have now a notebook of lists... Here are some of the lists I'm working on now, but there are lists in my head that are keeping me up at night. (now requiring a bedside notebook, too!) 1. Homeschooling: curriculum, supplies, questions, and to do's 2. Kid Gear/Toys 3. Galley Provisioning 4. Immunization Information for South America I also find myself asking questions like, "how long will this tube of toothpaste last us?" or, "will I REALLY wear makeup?" Suddenly every mundane part of my daily routine is questioned and analyzed to account for efficiency and space... Mark and I also worked on lists of things to do before we go, and we each took responsibility for a few of them we can work on right now. The lists are getting longer and more numerous, causing me to think hard about a binder with tabs ...

The Beginning

We will be updating this blog very shortly...stay tuned.... Sarah and I are working on getting a jump start on the process.  In short, here is the update on our status: Our Antares 44i is under construction .  It will be finished in late August to early September.  Like building a house...but requiring more patience, this is the approximate splash date.  Lots depends on materials getting cleared into Buenos Aires, the weather wrapped around the port, etc all determine eventual splash dates. We will be moving to Buenos Aires in August .  Yep, moving down south for 2 months.  This is really required to get the boat properly provisioned, sea trials, paperwork, etc. and in general, settled into our new home.  Thanks you Laurie ( Alberta Crewed ) for the suggestion.  A great idea! Move the boat from Buenos Aires to Brazil in September.   This will be done with myself and a couple of crew.  Moving the boat up to lha Grande, Braz...