Always Date Ugly Chicks

That way you don’t know what you are missing. This was the analogy used on our fishing trip by a seasoned fisherman named John. It has nothing to do with women, and everything to do with fishing. You see, there is a difference between trout and bonefish. I have been told once you bonefish you’ll never trout fish again. While I was at Deep Water Cay in the Bahamas I did a lot of fishing, just not bonefish. Guess I didn’t want to ‘ruin’ trout fishing… ;-) The primary purpose of my 3 days in the Bahamas was to learn from Neil (Antares 4436) and Scot the ins and outs of deep-sea fishing. It was excellent. The trip exceeded expectations. We had a blast, and caught a ton of fish. We started each day with a 4-5 mile walk before jumping on the boat and heading out to grab fish. They primary types of fishing we did included: Trolling for grouper and other reef fish Deep dropping (over 500ft) for snapper Lobster traps (did not catch as out of season) Neal and Scot had th...