To Market, to Market...

Plaza Dorrego in San Telmo

The past couple weekends, we have ventured out to two of the areas most famous markets.  They both deserve their own posts, so I will do them separately.  The first visit was to San Telmo on a Sunday morning when we missed our train for church and didn't want to go all the way back home.  It ended up being a wonderful morning in San Telmo, the oldest barrio in Buenos Aires.  When we first arrived, vendors and artisans were setting up their booths and Tango dancers were setting out their portable dance floors and sound equipment.  Since shopping was not officially opened, we decided to stop at a nearby café and have a little pick me up!

Elizabeth and Michael sharing Jugo de Naranja
Americano with a sweet alfajor cookie

It wasn't long before the market was bustling with shoppers and tourists.  The Tango dancers had quite a crowd, and Elizabeth found some antique, pink, sparkly clip-on earrings she just had to have!  This particular market is famous for its antiques, and they had quite the collections... phonographs,  seltzer bottles, silverware, toys, jewelry, ironworks, and china dishes.  Unfortunately, due to our change in plans and our missing the train, we hadn't brought along many pesos.  This would just have to be a window shopping day.  But I have been promised a trip back, and you can bet I will have my pesos ready!


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