Nailing Jell-o

Building a boat and time schedules don't coexist.  We've had a number of setbacks on our splash date, especially in the last 3-4 months. Time schedules are as predictable as nailing Jell-o to a wall.  Wiggle, wiggle, jiggle, jiggle - never really ceasing to move.

The old saying about visitors scheduling time to visit the boat is you can either pick the date or location, but never both.  This holds true - when your boat is in the water.

The silver lining for us is we have been enjoying Argentina and have made some great friends.  We haven't been in a significant rush.  At the present, if all goes well, including weather, our boat will now splash around mid December vs. the end of November.  About 2 weeks later than expected.  The boat will be commissioned for a week, moving the 'move on date' to December 23rd.  We'll have about a week to get the boat in order before we export January 2nd, and leave January 3rd for Brazil.  YIKES.  A lot tighter schedule than originally planned.  While not thrilled with the new dates, we are excited.

To put this in context, our boat is about 4 weeks away from being 'finished' and ready to splash.  There is still a lot that needs to be done, but after watching 4436 splash, we feel like the dates seem achievable given the current status of the boat.  Pictures of the boat are below from last Thursday.

Hatches and windows installed
Lots of wiring complete
Galley making good progress

Cabinets and ceiling liner installed

Lots more photos here of the boat.

Wiggle, wiggle, jiggle, jiggle, we'll keep you posted on progress....


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