Captain Kids

One of the pleasures of sailing with kids is getting them involved, assigning duties, and watching them get engaged on every aspect of the boat.

Now that I've been away from my family for longer than I would like, I've really missed all the challenges and laughs we had aboard Field Trip. I especially liked our first week with just the four of us aboard as we sailed around islands, snorkeled with fish, cooked meals and watched sunsets.  I can't wait to be back with my family again.

Two of my most memorable 'kid moments' were changing the genset oil with Elizabeth - and watching the kids do their duties as we prepared to sail each day.

Sounds crazy, but Elizabeth loves to help me fix stuff.  She's always volunteering.  The genset is in the SB forward locker.  This is what Elizabeth calls 'a fort'.  We climb down a ladder into the locker, headlights strapped on, and away we go.  She holds tools, climbs up the ladder to fetch something from inside, and beams from ear to ear when I tell her how much help she is to daddy.  I love every minute.

Michael takes his job of 'securing the cabin' seriously.  He also has a penchant for 'sailing the boat' and being 'captain' as you will see in the video.  He cracks me up as he runs around the boat securing the doors, and making sure everything inside is 'ready to go'.

Well, enough words.  A short video below, showing you some of the fun we have aboard Field Trip with kiddos....

P.S.  We leave shortly for St. Lucia.  No more videos until next month.... :(  I will keep Facebook updated daily on progress notes, pictures, while underway.


  1. Great video Mark. Hope this is the first of many! Safe travels to St. Lucia!

  2. OMG, you all look great! (I assume the camera man does.:)) Sarah, you looked like an ad in the last frames as you came to port for your "sundowner." Mark, you must tell me who did the last song on the post.

    Love you all and we wish you the best!


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