Plimoth Plantation! By Elizabeth and Michael

This is Plymouth Rock. It has the numbers on it that say it is from a long time ago. It is what they anchored their ship on. People moved it a lot of times, so it broke. Now it’s in a cage by the sea. We look at the map to see where we are. We are finding the Mayflower II. It’s fun to read maps and see where you are and how to get to the Mayflower. This is us going to the Mayflower II. It is called the Mayflower II because they couldn’t find the first Mayflower, so they had to make another one just like it. It can really sail in the bay and then come back. On the first Mayflower, there were 102 people, not counting the sailors. They slept on the bottom with lots of the food and animals. It took them 2 months to get to Plymouth, and then they landed in 1620. When we went aboard the ship, we saw cannons and there were people that were dressed up and talked like them. This is somethi...