Hiding from *Sandy*

After an exciting day going through the locks on the Dismal Swamp Canal (worrying the entire way that we'd not be able to find a place to "hunker down" for Sandy), we found a wonderful group of mariners tied up along a wall right between the South Mills Bridge and the South Mills Locks in North Carolina. There was just enough space left for us. At least 4 men and women welcomed us warmly by taking our lines and promptly informing us of all the nearby attractions in the booming town of South Mills - the grocery shop, Methodist church, and pizza joint all within walking distance! Then, one very organized mate gathered our contact information so that we could all communicate without having to step out into the rain and storm. Brilliant. We are in good hands. Field Trip sits at the end of the line! So, now here we sit while it rains and rains and rains. The winds are set to come in later tonight, so we feel very lucky to have found such a place to wa...