A - OK

We apologize in advance for our belated blog entry.  We've admittedly relied on FaceBook to keep up to date our most recent moves post Hurricane Sandy.

Our spot in the Dismal Swamp was perfect.  We were behind the locks, tied securely to a wall and waited out the storm.  We saw 30-35kt gusts, and that was it.  Lots of rain.  We met a lot of new folks and met another kid boat from Canada.

While we were holed up with rainy days, I was able to work on a new method to record our logs.  More details later when I get this off the ground.  Going to be a really neat and efficient way for boats to keep track of everything regarding 'boat life' on the iPad.

After the Dismal Swamp, we booked it through the ICW to Moorehead City, NC and sailed non-stop 'outside' to Charleston, SC.  Here we hooked up with our buddy boat Equilibre (Catana Catamaran with 3 kids aboard) and had a lot of fun catching up post Hurricane Sandy.

Field Trip alongside wall in Dismal Swamp Canal
Having alone time with kids aboard is not always easy.  We've been able to swap kids with our friends and have some good date nights sans chicos.  It's been great fun.  Sarah and I hit a really neat bar and ate at Magnolias downtown Charleston.  It was election night, and we enjoyed ourselves without the static of news and the talking head pundits on TV.  Sometimes it's great to be on a boat! :)

We stayed in Charleston for about a week and then sailed to Hilton Head Island to see my dad and spend Thanksgiving.

View leaving Dismal Swamp North Carolina
Date night in Charleston, SC
Our next big step will be leaving the US for the Bahamas later this month.  We will keep everyone up to date as we head to the Exumas and then off to Nassau for a guys week during New Years.


  1. So nice you were able to get away from the worst of the storm. Nice the locals were so helpful too.

    Good luck to you all as you go to warmer cruising grounds.


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