
We have officially been living aboard for a year now. My, how time flies! It was last Christmas Eve when we hauled all of our belongings out of a storage unit in Argentina, down the docks in San Fernando, and aboard Field Trip for the first time. I remember being amazed at how much stuff we had and being overwhelmed at trying to find some semblance of order among the chaos. Since then, we have reorganized, de-cluttered, and rethought our use of storage over and over again. It is an ever-evolving process as we transverse various environments and kid stages. Toys and clothes have been given away as the kids grow out of them, and new ones take their place. Our family rule is for every new item (clothing, kitchen gadget, toy, book, etc) that is brought on board, one item needs to leave to make room for it! We don’t follow it all the time, but we can quickly tell when the rule needs to be reinstated!! Christ...