Schools Out... Forever

Plunging into a break from school! Okay, not really forever, but definitely for a much-needed break. As I browse Facebook, I see friends posting pictures of their little ones donning freshly-pressed school uniforms and holding sweet signs that read “First Day of First Grade 2013”. Well, our school calendar doesn’t exactly match the conventional school calendar these days, and you know what our school uniforms consist of! First Day of School outfit when Elizabeth started Preschool! Uniforms on board When we started this Field Trip, I had visions of what school would be like – the kids crouched on the beach in their sun hats and swimsuits, holding a magnifying glass, examining seashells, sketching in nature logs. Or perhaps all of us leaning over a navigational chart, plotting our course, accounting for current and wind direction, then the kids helping take a watch. Ahhh, it would be educational bliss… But then reality set in. And here’s what we figured out… ...