Limbo, Limbo

Have you ever felt like you were flailing between who you were and who you were becoming? Like in junior high when you couldn't quite figure out where you fit in or where you wanted to fit in? That's how I'm feeling today, stuck in limbo between my new cruising life and the one I knew for years in suburban Colorado. A few days ago, we finished the painstaking job of packing up the boat to protect it while it will be on land in a boatyard for the next six weeks. We'd compiled a back-breaking spreadsheet of items we needed to check off before we could head to the airport on Thursday. And while crisp, cool Fall weather was creeping into Colorado, Grenada was blasting us with temperatures in the high 90's and full blown humidity. We literally could have swabbed the deck with the constant stream of perspiration running down our backs! Needless to say, it was a torturous couple of days. Mark and I agreed that we'd do anything to avoid storing ...