It's all Downhill

Wow. It’s hard to believe that the rest of our sailing will involve very little wind forward of the beam. It’s going to be almost all downwind. We’ve literally spent 12,000+ miles sailing from a beam to close reach. In many way’s we’ve become accustomed to this type of sailing…and have actually enjoyed pushing ourselves to master these points of sail on Field Trip. Points of Sail We’ve tried most sail combinations, worked on using our Code Zero for close hauled sailing – and have enjoyed creating our own apparent wind to go faster. Now, it’s a different ballgame. We find ourselves reducing our apparent wind as we go faster, relying on stronger prevailing conditions to make us go as fast as we could if sailing the other direction in less true wind. Cruising is not about fast. I need to get that into my head…. Sailing 'Wing on Wing' Wing on Wing view from Trampoline Boat motion sailing downwind is generally calmer than sailing the other direction. ...