Pathway to the Pacific

It was finally here, the moment we’d been anticipating and planning for since we started - time to cross into the peaceful waters of the vast Pacific Ocean via the Panama Canal. There was another long list of preparations to be made and logistics to consider before the actual day arrived. Mark researched the rules and regulations, charges and surcharges, dos and don’ts. The family watched documentaries about the history of the canal, all the lives that were lost during its construction, the controversy of ownership, and the plans for its future. One afternoon was spent visiting one of the canal locks to get a birds-eye view of this man-made marvel. I grabbed a great little information booklet from the gift shop that would guide our travel learning for the next week or so… yet another way to grasp the significance of this part of our journey. The kid crew, hiking along the canal Bird's eye view of the first set of locks that we'd transit in ...