72 Hours

Author: Mark Date: Nov 17, 11:30am NZT Location: 24 51 S - 175 18 E Conditions: 5-7ts @ 180T, 190T COG, 6.2kts SOG, 1.0m swell with 10s period, 1017.6 barometer It's been 72 hours sine we left Fiji. Wow, how things have changed. We knew we would get our butts kicked the first two days with heavy swell and sea. I can report that our expectations were met. It wasn't as rough as we have seen in the past. We've just not done a lot of upwind sailing since leaving Grenada. We are spoiled rotten! It's now dead calm. Flat seas, mild swell from south and sunny skies. Needless to say everyone is very relaxed. The big news is Neil has been promoted to chef. He cooked dinner last night and it was excellent. We almost broke out the candles and a little mood music from Air Supply. The forecast looks a lot of the same. Light winds (<10kts) most of the way to Opua with some clocking and a mild frontal system arriving tomorrow. Tonight is my special birthda...