Blustery and Blowin'

Boats battened down out at anchor off of the Opua Marina in New Zealand Well, it is the epitome of a blustery day here in New Zealand. All of my moanings that the warm New Zealand summer in December didn't really feel like Christmastime have been put in their place. The wind is howling, the sea is swirling, and the sky can’t decide if it wants to cry or just weep constantly. Anchors are dragging out in the anchorage, causing havoc, while we are lolling back and forth with the swell in the protection of a marina berth. It’s one of those days when I can’t get warm no matter how much soup I sip or how many mugs of tea I steep. But as I sit here in my coziest wool socks and glance at the tree, I realize something is missing… hmmm. Surely I can find it online, I can find nearly everything online these days (except instructions on how to delete annoying tags and game invites on Facebook, that's impossible). I hop on Google, and find this link ...