Is it worth it?

“I miss Elizabeth, Mom.” She’d only been gone for one day and one night, yet her little brother was feeling the immense void. We all were. But I think he was missing her the most, and I couldn’t have been more thrilled. I don’t like to see my kids sad, no parent does, but this sadness, this loneliness, this unrest told me a lot about my kids. Just a few days ago, I wondered where I’d gone wrong as a parent as I found myself continuously wearing my police officer hat. It was one of the many mornings when they couldn’t even walk past each other without poking or antagonizing the other. As the annoyances escalated, the reactions escalated, and I was ready to throw them both overboard. (Mom and Dad, I know, this is all payback for those never ending car trips during which my siblings and I drove you both absolutely bananas and caused Dad to pull the car over more than once. I can’t apologize enough, really. We were monste...