Making Connections

Of course, one suitcase was lost in transit! But was delivered the next day. Phew. It was getting dark in Fiji the night we arrived to the airport shlepping our carefully packed and weighed luggage. I’d filled a few bags with finished schoolwork, acquired souvenirs, and the kids’ prized rock and shell collections to bring back with us and leave in the states. Mark was happy to see the excess weight leave the boat, and I was glad to make space for whatever treasures we’d find in future travels. We had decided to visit home in the summer months, so that we wouldn’t have to buy warm clothes or deal with cold temperatures and winter germs. Visiting in the warm summer months also meant less bulky clothing items to pack, which would prove to be VERY important at the airport. At the check-in desk we had a run-in with the ‘baggage nazi’ who made sure we weighed each piece of luggage and even made each of us place our carryons in the tiny metal measu...