Dockside in Denarau

**No under-aged children consumed alcohol in the taking of this photo "Would you eaten by a shark or a crocodile?" "Would you rather... eat fish eyeballs or fish liver?" "Would you rather... be lost at sea or left on a deserted island?" Last night, we sat around a table with our friends, Theo and Wanda, playing a game of 'Would You Rather' with the kids. It made for some good laughs and very unusual Happy Hour conversation. If you ask any sailor the question, Would you rather... be tied up to a dock or be out at anchor?, most, if not all of them, would say, "Out at anchor," without missing a beat. There are a lot of reasons for that. When the boat is at anchor, it faces into the breeze, providing free air conditioning through the overhead hatches, even in the warmest of places. Privacy is another real perk of anchoring out, as is peace, quiet, less bugs and plenty of space. Docking is definitely not high ...