Provisioning for Paradise

Fresh pineapples for $2FJ ($1US) “Bring more food and provisions than you think you’ll need,” people told us, “because you won’t want to leave the Lau Group once you arrive.” Many of our cruising friends had traveled to the remote islands of Lau earlier in the season. All of them seemed so moved by their experiences there, but they found it hard to put into words. What was it about this place that left so many speechless and enticed them into extending their stay? Dinghy-full of the necessities! I have to admit, I was skeptically intrigued as I carted oversized bags of rice, flour, and sugar down the docks and loaded them into the dinghy and onto the boat. I also purchased additional assorted items to donate. Some that might be useful, such as batteries, rope, sewing supplies, school notebooks and clothespins; plus other novelty items like cake frosting, perfumed oils, nail polish, chocolate and popcorn. Since we had just...