Peava Swinging Tree and Thumb Woes

Swinging Tree Cowabunga! Michael leaps off the branch, holding tightly to the stiff rope and suddenly lets go, landing with a splash! This place has the most awesome tree we’ve ever seen. Its sturdy branches reach out over the water and offer some great spots for rope swinging and cannonballs! It is the perfect playground - and it even has shade! Over and over Michael climbs along the trunk and thick branches to dare himself to leap again. Eventually, he even tries a front flip off one of the outer jumping spots! Belly flops and face plants can’t deter him - he’s a boy with adrenaline streaming through his veins! The tree is alive with action. Kids climb to the tallest branches, calling out from way above my head and I squint in the sunlight to spot them among the highest leaves. Then, in an instant, they’re falling through the air and SPLASH! they disappear underwater. When they emerge, we cheer, and up they go again for their next daring feat. Some of the kids are real showme...