Honiara Heaven

\ The winds changed, and then everything changed. Oftentimes we joke about how much of our lives are dictated by the wind. We go when the weather says go and hide out in a protected spot until bad weather passes. During cyclone season we run north or south to steer clear of the cyclone belt, and we wait until the weather gurus give the ‘all clear’. Anchorages that our friends tell us not to miss turn out to be miserable just because the wind direction is different than it was for them. Our lives are weather dependent, whether we like it or not. These truths were made more evident recently when we had to return to Honiara to retrieve a package we’d ordered. If you read my previous blog post entitled “Honiara Hell”, you can imagine how thrilled I was to return (ha!). All those memories came flooding back and plagued me as we motored back to the nation’s capitol. But, the winds had changed. What had been a swelly, choppy mess of an a...