Raja Ampat (Northern and Central), Indonesia

Looking out over "Little Wayag" King of Wonders With Mark’s mom safely on board and all the provisions stowed away, we headed north to begin our exploration in the underwater world of Raja Ampat . If you are a scuba diver, you have likely heard about this group of islands and seen fascinating photos in diving magazines. This area is world renowned for its vibrant reefs and amazing sea life, and we couldn’t wait to check it out. In all, we spent 3 months in the Raja Ampat waters, with sights and experiences that could comprise an entire book, but for now, let’s dive in and look at some of our favorite field trips through this spectacular archipelago. Climbing the craggly Wayag Staircase From Sorong, we sailed directly to the northernmost island group to Wayag. The mushroom-shaped outcroppings were reminiscent of our time in Fulaga, Fiji, and the turquoise waters surrounding them is what makes Wayag so picturesque. One afternoon, we hiked up...