Field Trip to Banda Aceh, Indonesia!

Story by Michael. Yesterday we woke up at 5:30 a.m! EARLY ALERT! We hopped into the dinghy and drove ashore. Our taxi arrived, and we hopped inside. Then we drove and talked with the driver. And drove and talked with the driver. Aaaand drove and talked with the driver. The car finally arrived at the fast ferry’s port, and the four of us climbed out. Mom bought a few unknown breakfast foods that some ladies were selling outside the ferry. None of us knew exactly what was inside the tightly wrapped banana leaf, but we hadn’t had breakfast before we left, so this was it! The steamed rice, fried egg and tempeh with hot sauce was actually really good! We waited for about ten minutes, then we boarded the ferry! Boarding Ferry Mark sleeping as we head off to Banda Aceh Our Taxi The ferry drive was 45 minutes long (and really boring), but finally we arrived at Banda Aceh. Pronounced Ah-ch-ā. Not Ache like stomach pains! We stepped off the...