Conquering Mount Tapyas

Mount Tapyas, Coron, Philippines Seven hundred and twenty. That’s the number of steps we climbed today to reach the top of Mt. Tapyas. From our achorage, we can see the C-O-R-O-N sign lit up every night along with a tall cross and a few cell towers, for added ambiance. We woke up before sunrise to avoid the heat of the day and started our ascent. Only seven hundred and twenty steps to go! Although many tourist attractions here are empty these days, Mt. Tapyas was buzzing with people of all ages getting in their morning workouts. It was encouraging to see so many people making health a priority in the wake of a lengthy lockdown. Kindly, the creators of this stairway thought to post numbered increments on the stairs. Somehow, it made the 720 seem more achievable when broken down into smaller chunks. Each time we reached a marker, it was a bit of a celebration! (And a great excuse for a brief rest to catch our breath!) We've on...