Video Blog

It’s about time! In fact it’s been over a year and a half since we have posted one of our travel videos. We have not lost our passion for creating a video documentary of our trip. We simply lost decent internet connectivity for a long time, and got WAY behind on our video editing. To put some numbers behind the video process, it takes 20-40 hours of work for each 10-15min video we produce. 50% of the time involves the visual graphics and audio scripting. That’s a lot of time. Can we shorten the process? Yes, but, I have an inherent fault…I tend to be a perfectionist and want the videos to be done to the best of my ability. I’m not a professional, but like to find ways to continually improve the quality and content of each video we produce. We’re documenting this for our family, and happen to have a large audience of followers enjoying this along with us. So what can you expect for 2016? LOTS more videos. ...